Friday, April 25, 2008

I Live. D8

One weekend away from home, and it's like I've been gone for a month.

I'm SUCH a homebody.On a totally random note, wantan noodles are good.
And my mom digs junk food.

FA seems to have gone down the drain again, this time more to PC troubles than my own inablity to work, but I guess one can always, always try again.
Mental note to get started even before the semester officially begins this time.I mean, I've gotten the hang of modelling, but animating can still be such a bitch sometimes.


On a happier note, I finally figured how to put music on this damn page, and I've finally finished watching the Wrestlemania 24 DVD I bought some time ago.
Which was ultimate, fucking WIN.If not for the Money In The Bank Match alone.

I'd been rooting for a Jericho win, but CM Punk's pretty decent enough.
On the other hand, I'm beginning to have a liking for John Morisson, odd as that may sound.
And The Michaels-Flair match was done perfectly.

We'll be off to the States in May, and I'm bringing my coveted A Lion's Tale; Around The World In Spandex with some mad hope that the Ayatollah of Rock n' Rolla may be able to seal his signature on it. <3

Yep. Just liek that. XDXDXD

Man loves the crowd, that's for sure. That enthusiasm tickles me pink.
Anyways, if you guys are wrestling fans, or even normal fans persay, I strongly suggest you get the book, which is all sorts of awesome. It's like having him sit right there in front of you and telling his life story, and I couldn't help busting my gut a couple of times reading it.
This has a place of reverence next to my Tolkien Collection, Mick Foley's Have a nice day! and A Little Princess.

Pictures above taken from


On my latest stuff, well let's see here...

This was something I was humbly working on in hopes that an Uncle of mine who happens to be a WWE fan himself to bring to the States during Wrestlemania for Randy Orhthon himself to sign.

Until I finds out that Uncle's Visa didn't get approved for reasons unknown.

Ah well.

Always next time.

Picture in the pieces of paper surrounding Mr.O are Legends and Icons he has downed throughout his Legend Killer phase.
He's evil, but he's so evil, it's good. =D

And that shall be all for today, babiez. <3>
Shoutout to Lana and Louis, my two adopted pet kitties and Ain---Bebe, you win at life and cats.

Lana is the grey-coloured Pretty.


I sayang her muchly.

Always hurung me when I balik.

Here she sleep with Panjang I think.

One of the NINE housecats we have at our Townhouse.

Since Ain, my tenant runs a shelter for the poor pussies.

I donno how long more I'll be seeing Lana, but even if I no more there, you be good girl, OK Bebechu?

And no keluar malam malam!!


If you have the time and some love to share, visit and stick around a bit. Heheheh.....

Transform and Rollout!

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