Wednesday, October 10, 2007

*Prods Blog*

Ooooohhhhh...another one of these things to keep me entertained with. XDXDXD

So yeah, I ain't exactuly new to the concept, but it's been some time since I've stuck with serious blogging. Maybe this would be a good time to start.

Anyways, as my profile would have mentioned, I'm an arts sudent. Not a terribly good one, but decent nonetheless (I hope). I'm Twenty though mother swears I'll never look my age. Ever.

Not that its a bad thing; I always get Children's Rates at buffet tables, and it's easier to win someone over with acting cute. *Laughs*

And as I haven't much to say at the moment, I'll suffice by putting up some work? ;)

First Night Scene I've drawn digitally as of this date. ;) Lovebirds are my Human versions of Autobot Jazz, or Jace Zayden (G1), and Shadowrunner, or Sabela Saverio; an OC of an online friend, Autobotvierge. Quite the cute pair, aye, despite her playing hard-to-get all the time. You'd have to give him points for preseverance, but he wouldn't be Jazz if he wasn't. =3

Oh, Another one?

Rawr. *Laughs* I'm twenty. I'm entitled to such things every once in a while, ne? While the one before is a Night Scene, this one's making it harder by being a Campfire Night Scene. This is just a Work In Progress nonetheless, set to be updated as I see fit.
Passionate couple are my Human Version of Autobot Hound, or Haille Donovan, and his love, Adelaide 'Addy' Rowan, again, OC property of the lovable Autobotvierge. XDXD Honest to goodness, I can't get enough of these wild-at-heart lovers, so expect to see a lot more on them soon. *Gigglefits and blushes heavily*

So yeah. Till next time? And here's hoping that Next Time won't be too long a period from now. ;)

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