Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hectic Schedule is Hectic.....

So, a bit of a new look for the old blog. Hahaha......
Up there is Mousegirl, my usual mode of self-expression. Yes, she's happy to see you. No, that isn't blood. And no. Pants are for wussies.

A lot has been happening lately, most obvious being my more hectic schedule (What with the amount of updates on this little scrapper? Really?). But I'm best when I'm busy, so  that's good.

First things first, here's hoping I'll finally pass FA this semester, and here's the little bastard who's going to help me do it.

His name is Raimundo. He's based off Rey Mysterio, and if anyone makes fun about his height, better order that tombstone now, mates.
Hopefully he won't be too hard to animate. I'm rather hopeless with 3D as it is.

I'm also currently working on a project for KRU Studios, a local production house. There's this movie that's coming out in 2010 see?

And my job is to do the storyboards for the whole film.
All 3000 plus frames of it.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, here I come.

It's an awesome project nonetheless, and I'm proud to be a part of it.
I meet them on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays every week to discuss upcoming scenes.
I'm getting paid roughly Rm4 per frame, but any money is good money in this economic climate.
To my local buddies, make sure you guys catch it once it comes out eh?
Shameless shilling is good.  I'll probably put up some sketches of the main characters soon, so keep an eye out for them.

I've also been dabbling a bit in photomanpulation, the result which are my babies as seen below...

Had a LOT of fun working on this lot.  I'll probably put up more soon.

My brother brought back a Watchmen comic the past week, and I'm going to see the movie tommorrow, so I'm curious to see how loyal the onscreen adaptation really is. Regardless, it's sure to kick ass.

Random sketch of the day:

A friend of mine was complaining online that her dragon character could never look feminine and that most lizards were very hard to feminize.
I respectfully disagreed after seven minutes with a tablet pen. =)

LOLWrestlers pic of the day;

And now I shall continue my artistic (my ass) endevours.
Over and out fellas.....=D

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