Saturday, May 3, 2008

Easy like a Sunday morning.....

Or at least easy like 2am in a Sunday morning.
What am I still doing awake?

Kerja Kerja Kerja.

Went to dinner with Family at the Club today, met an aunt and an uncle who had divorced with her prior to this.
They seemed cozy again.
Did I miss something?
Anyways, the kids seem very happy to see mommy and daddy back together, so I'll let it drop.

M.Nasir was on TV.
And Akademi Fantasia.
I love the first.
The second not so.
M.Nasir is High Priest of Malaysian Music.

Modelling done more or less.
Not a scrap started on the Storyboard.
And I'm feeling lazy already.
Undertaker training Nathan Jones.
Something I never saw before this.
Damn, the man can be stern.
But if he were ever to open a wrestling school, I think they'd crash from the load of aspiring students.

That said, the quality of new wrestlers these days could use a little picker upper.

Jericho used to train in the Hart Dungeon.
Hunter trained with Killer Kowalksi and Mick Foley was under DeNucci's wing.
These guys rocked.
The new batch...
Somethings missing somewhere, darnit.

Random; I want a pet rat. A Pet anything that's not a hamster or a terrapin.

Random 2; Chris Jericho rocks. WWE should use him more often. Yeesh.

Picture of the day;

I don't know why, but it makes me LOL.




Orton looks so smug with that proclamation. =D

My hand hurts.

And I'm hungry.

We're going to see Iron Man tommorrow.
There's no Mandarin, but there's apparently some Taliban dude.
What the hell?
Well, bro said it was worth the price of admission, so we'll see.

Until then.

I melt to a puddle of sickly sweet goo.
Cutest tagteam.

I need a hug too.....

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Labour's day.....

My ass.

Still working our butss off, holiday or no holiday.

At any rate, I'll be happy when all of this is over in a few weeks time, final presentations and all.

My body's feeling so worn at the moment. I've no idea why, but fuck.

I don't wonder what WWE has in store for Regal-Kennedy, Undertaker's belt-stripping and the Mike Adamly walkout.
It's interesting to say the least, thinking of what they're planning.

I wish Malaysia would show SMACKDOWN in tandem with the SMACKDOWN! that's being aired in the States.
Ours is a few months later, and I wanna see Foley announce.

Bought the No Way Out 2008 CD earlier this week, and am enjoying two Elimination Chambers for the price of one. <3

Mental note to see my advisor and pay tution fees next week.
Mental note to finish storyboard projects by the end of this weekend.

Time sure does fly.

Ric Flair Tribute I was planning to finish earlier, but has to sit in the backburners until I'm done with work. Sorry Ric, but I promise I'll finish you. Nice salute, Cena.

Because I need hugs and cuddles. T_T. Was trying a monochromatic scheme with this.

I like monochrome. Saves me time when I colour and still gives off a nice atmosphere.
Chris Jericho cutting a promo for his book, A Lion's Tale, which is by the way, fucking awesome.
Even cutting a promo for a book looks interesting when he does it, and is better than what half of WWE's roster can do when they have to cut resl promos.

Why isn't WWE giving this dude his dues?
He deserves so much more.
Oh well. Here's just hoping they recognize his talent and potential properly.
Chris Jericho and ROH's Delirious.
I'm serious.
(ah fuggedaboutit XDXD)
These guys should totally tag team one fine day.
They get along so well with each other! *cackles*
Oh Jericho. You crack me up. Seriously (shit. there it is again).
New mission in life ; Meet Jericho once before I die.

Adding to list of missions in life which also includes publishing my own comic, going to a WWE live show, going to Scotland and listening to bagpipes playing in the sunrise over the hills and debunking the Loch Ness mystery.

Argh, I should get back to work. Stupid building.
But I so ngantuk.....arrrrrrh.

Yes Shawn. That's a great idea.


(Picture taken off